


Yuko seeks out the real Chopin

biography page here

‘Pianist Kawai seeks out the real Chopin’ - The Japan Times, 9th January 2009 [web]
Yuko Kawai long interview ‘Chopin, Poland, National Edition…’ - NHK TV textbook, 2010 (Japanese) [PDF]
‘Warsaw, Chopin and…’ - Ongaku no Tomo magazine, pp.84-86, Dec 2007 (Japanese) [PDF].

Poland - a country rich in tradition

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With prof.Jan Ekier, at his house in Warsaw, 1993
photograph: Stanisław Ekier

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With prof.Paweł Kamiński, co-editor of Chopin National Edition, interview for Mostly Classic Magazine
Tokyo, 18th May 2004

photograph: Masumi Sato

With prof.Paweł Kamiński, Tokyo College of Music, May 2004

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With prof. Paweł Kamiński, co-editor of Chopin National Edition
at the office of National Edition Foundation, July 2007
photograph: Marcin Gorayski

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The encounter with Anna Żurawlew, Barbara Drzewiecka, Eva Rubinstein, Halina Szpilman…

With Anna Żurawlew, Chopin Competition initiator Jerzy Żurawlew(1886-1980)’s wife
After Yuko’s recital at Japanese Ambassador’s residence, September 2001
photograph: Magazine ‘Ambasador’

With Eva Rubinstein, Arthur Rubinstein’s daughter
‘A.Rubinstein in Memoriam’ International Competition for Young Pianists, Bydgoszcz, April 2002

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from left: prof. Andrzej Jasiński, Yuko Kawai and prof. Dan Zhaoyi (jury members)
The International Chopin Piano Competition in Asia, January 2003

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from left: Halina Szpilman (Wladyslaw Szpilman’s wife), Ewa Cichoń (former director of National Edition Foundation),
Yuko Kawai, Barbara Drzewiecka (prof. Zbigniew Drzewiecki’s wife),
Jakub Ekier (prof. Jan Ekier’s son). behind: Jan Krzysztof Broja
National Edition Special Concert, 17th March 2005, Warsaw National Philharmonic Hall

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With Mariola Nałęcz, the head of music collections section of National Library of Poland
National Library in Warsaw, 2007
photograph: Slawomir Kielbowicz

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With Mariola Nałęcz, seeing the copy by Adolf Gutmann, Chopin’s pupil - Chopin’s Sonata in B-flat minor Op.35
We’ve had a huge ‘historic’ mistake by German publisher from the copy.
National Library in Warsaw, March 2005
photograph: Masayoshi Ogasawara

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With music critic Józef Kański, at Europejski Hotel in Warsaw, 2005
He gave a stirring discourse/lecture about Arthur Rubinstein, using Rubinstein’s unknown monaural recordings

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With Grzegorz Michalski, musicologist, former director of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute
Fryderyk Chopin Institute in Warsaw, 2007
photograph: Slawomir Kielbowicz

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Chopin specialists - from left: Zofia Chechlińska, Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger (Geneva University),
Yuko Kawai, Elżbieta Artysz and Irena Poniatowska
Warsaw University, 22nd May 2013
photograph: William M.Helmcke

Yuko and historical instruments
She is ripe in experience playing historical instruments: has played Pleyel 1830, Pleyel 1846, Erard 1852, Erard 1855 and Pleyel 1869 for her concerts and recordings.
She loves playing 19th century pianos and has gained valuable experiences.

コピー (2) ~ Dsc00023
Iwata, Shizuoka, May 2004
special thanks: Nippon Boesendorfer

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*Pleyel 1846* with Nobuo Yamamoto & Midori Hatano, Spece Cristofori Sakai, Osaka, July 2005
special thanks: Nobuo Yamamoto & Midori Hatano

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*Pleyel 1846* tuning by Nobuo Yamamoto, Okazaki Civic Centre Concert Hall, June 2006
special thanks: Okazaki Civic Centre Concert Hall, Nobuo Yamamoto

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*Pleyel 1846* recital in Okazaki, Okazaki Civic Centre Concert Hall, June 2006
special thanks: Okazaki Civic Centre Concert Hall, Nobuo Yamamoto

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*Pleyel 1830* recital, lecture and CD recording at ACT CITY The Seminar and Exchange Centre, Hamamatsu, January 2010
special thanks: Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments, Shima Kazuhiko-san, Namayama-san, Kojima Recordings, Inc.

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*Pleyel 1830* lecture/concert at ACT CITY The Seminar and Exchange Centre, Hamamatsu, January 2010
special thanks: Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments, Shima Kazuhiko-san

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*Pleyel 1830* lecture/concert at ACT CITY The Seminar and Exchange Centre, Hamamatsu, January 2010
special thanks: Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments, Shima Kazuhiko-san

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*Pleyel 1830* recital at ACT CITY The Seminar and Exchange Centre, Hamamatsu, January 2010
special thanks: Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments, Shima Kazuhiko-san

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*Pleyel 1846* recital in Kishiwada, Osaka, November 2010
*Pleyel 1846 & Erard 1852* recital at Space Cristofori Sakai, Osaka, November 2010
special thanks: Kishiwada Music Festival, Nobuo Yamamo & Midori Hatano

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*Erard 1855* (NIFC) recital at Chopin Museum Concert Hall in Warsaw, March 2013
special thanks: NIFC

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*Erard 1855* (NIFC) Chopin Museum Concert Hall in Warsaw, March 2013
special thanks: NIFC, photograph: Teruo Matsumoto
[video] Yuko plays Erard 1855 - J.S.Bach, Chopin Piano Concerto in E minor Op.11-I(1)
[video] Yuko plays Erard 1855 - Chopin Piano Concerto in E minor Op.11-I(2)
[video] Yuko plays Erard 1855 - Chopin Piano Concerto in E minor Op.11-II
[video] Yuko plays Erard 1855 - Chopin Piano Concerto in E minor Op.11-III

photograph in Zelazowa Wola: Slawomir Kielbowicz