



[Yuko's Leg Rehabilitation Diary - 10]

I phoned my manager Andrzej and told him: 'My leg condition is getting worse. But I want to go to Koszalin, I want to perform. I've been playing the Mozart Concerto better and better. I won't cancel the concert. I don't want to cancel it!'

Andrzej was listening to me carefully.

I said: 'But I'm fearful of entering stage with the conductor and reaching the piano in the middle of the stage. In order to feel safer, I'm going to use my Nordic Walking poles.'

Andrzej replied: 'Don't worry, Nordic Walking has been popular recently. You can use poles.'

Then he contacted the orchestra office and told them about my situation. He called me and said: 'The driver from the orchestra is waiting for you at the Koszalin train station platform when you arrive. He will help you.' 'Thanks a lot!'

photograph: http://www.bryla.pl/
Newly opened Koszalin Philharmonic Concert Hall
(My friend Anna Korpalska sent me the photograph on 10th November 2013. Thank you Anna.)