


vol.9a - Chopin's piano pedalling

CLASSICA JAPAN 'Yuko Kawai talks about Chopin National Edition'
Vol.9a "Chopin's piano pedalling" (Excerpt)

Mazurka in B-flat minor Op.24 No.4 (fragment)

"Chopin used the pedals with marvellous discretion. He often coupled them to obtain a soft and veiled sonority, but more often still he would use them separately for brilliant passages, for sustained harmonies, for deep bass notes, and for loud ringing chords. Or he would use the soft pedal alone for those light murmurings which seem to create a transparent vapour round the arabesques that embellish the melody and envelop it like fine lace. The timbre produced by the pedals on Playel pianos has a perfect sonority, and the dampers work with a precision very useful for chromatic and modulating passages; this quality is precious and absolutely indispensable."
- Marmontel


Yuko expresses her greatest and deepest respect for the work by prof.Jan Ekier and prof.Paweł Kamiński.

This TV programme won prestigious JSBA (Japan Satellite Broadcasting Association) Original Programming Awards.

Special thanks: really special, great and hugely talented CLASSICA JAPAN team - Ishikawa-san, Miki-san, Takahashi-san, Haraguchi-san and others.