


vol.1a - The Birth of the National Edition (excerpt)

Yuko plays Chopin Polonaise Op.53 (fragment) - and speaking Japanese.

CLASSICA JAPAN TV 'Yuko Kawai talks about Chopin National Edition' Vol.1a - "The Birth of the National Edition" (excerpt)

What is the National Edition? How did it come into being?


Chopin National Edition - historic, long-term editorial (URTEXT) work by prof.Jan Ekier and prof.Paweł Kamiński.

"We owe Chopin a debt…
His music allowed us to survive the worst moments, and in the periods of hope extols Polish culture all over the world. We owe it to the author to publish his work in the form he intended. This is the goal of the National Edition: to pay off a Nation`s debt to Chopin."
- Professor Jan Ekier

"Mamy dług wobec Chopina...
Jego muzyka pozwalała nam przetrwać najgorsze chwile, a w okresach nadziei rozsławia kulturę polską w świecie. Jesteśmy winni twórcy to, by przedstawić jego dzieło w zamierzonej przez niego postaci. To właśnie jest celem Wydania Narodowego: spłacić dług Narodu wobec Chopina."
- Profesor Jan Ekier

Special thanks: really special, great and hugely talented CLASSICA JAPAN team - Ishikawa-san, Miki-san, Takahashi-san, Haraguchi-san and others.

This TV programme won prestigious JSBA (Japan Satellite Broadcasting Association) Original Programming Awards.
