


vol.7b - Dotted thythm and triplet at the same time


Yuko addressing/talking directly to TV viewers: "In my own personal view, this matter - the dotted rhythm and the triplet at the same time or not - actually, this isn't only the thing about the 'timing'. More essential/crucial thing - if it's at the same time, the sounds resonant together. They sound richer, warmer. Not '1+1=2'. No, no, no. '1+1=2 plus alpha (+α)', much more. We feel happier, feel even 'safer', have the warmer feeling listening to the resonance between the dotted rhythm and the triplet. They resonant beautifully and melt into the whole richer sounds. It makes us happy and we feel at ease.

Especially, at the ending of the 3rd movement Largo - the tension eases harmonically to a tonic chord, and when we play the dotted rhythm and the triplet at the same time as Chopin wrote - It's like - we feel a magnetic pull. The sounds resonant and we can feel a 'deep sense of relief.' "

CLASSICA JAPAN TV 'Yuko Kawai talks about Chopin National Edition'
- Vol.7b "Dotted rhythm and triplet at the same time"(Excerpt)

Sonata in B minor Op.58, the 3rd movement (ending)


Yuko expresses her greatest and deepest respect for the work by prof.Jan Ekier and prof.Paweł Kamiński.

This TV programme won prestigious JSBA (Japan Satellite Broadcasting Association) Original Programming Awards.

Special thanks: really special, great and hugely talented CLASSICA JAPAN team - Ishikawa-san, Miki-san, Takahashi-san, Haraguchi-san and others.