


vol.9b - Chopin's piano pedalling


Yuko talking to TV viewers: "Chopin's autograph shows that he changed his mind - changed the short pedalling for longer one. But we just need to know about the differences between the 19th century Pleyel piano and our modern one. Today's piano sound is richer and it's difficult to keep the sound clear using the long pedalling. Chopin's long pedal indications are sometimes big/tough challenges for us. But it is worth trying - Chopin's long pedalling realises the natural/long phrasing, the beauiful flow of the music. So, I think we can use the 'shallow' pedalling, although I know it is not always easy. We need to listen very carefully, need to control the sound with our ears."

Prelude in B-flat minor Op.28 No.16 (fragment)

And from Yuko's CD:
Prelude in B major Op.28 No.11 (Chopinissimo VI, Imagine)
Prelude in A-flat major Op.28 No.17 (Chopinissimo VI, Imagine)

CLASSICA JAPAN TV "Yuko Kawai talks about Chopin National Edition'
- Vol.9b "Chopin's piano pedalling" (Excerpt)


Yuko expresses her greatest and deepest respect for the work by prof.Jan Ekier and prof.Paweł Kamiński.

This TV programme won prestigious JSBA (Japan Satellite Broadcasting Association) Original Programming Awards.

Special thanks: really special, great and hugely talented CLASSICA JAPAN team - Ishikawa-san, Miki-san, Takahashi-san, Haraguchi-san and others.