


vol.3b - The sound difference - Let's see the sourse

CLASSICA JAPAN 'Yuko Kawai talks about Chopin National Edition'
- Vol.3b "The sound differences - Let's see the sources" (Excerpt)

Yuko plays/shows Chopin Etude in E major Op.10 No.3 (fragment)

Authentic versions:
The original version of AI (Autograph rough copy of a not final version of the Etude, with the date "Paris 25 August [18]32" (The Piemont Morgan Library, New York)), later supplemented by Chopin

The final version of AI (Autograph rough copy of a not final version the Etude, with the date "Paris 25 August [18]32" (The Piemont Morgan Library, New York)) → FE1 (The First Edition, M.Schleginger, Paris June 1833) → EE2 (Second impression of [EE1](First English Edition))

Version of uncertain authenticity:
FE2 (Second impression of the First French Edition)

FED (copy from a collection belonging to Chopin's pupil Camille Dubois (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris)

Unauthentic versions:
GE (German edition) and EE3 (later impression of [EE1] (First English Edition), after 1856)

version of most later collected editions, carried out in the 1870s; it appears the earliest in editions prepared by Klindworth and Mikuli.

(4:58-) Yuko says: "Chopin NEVER put/wrote Dis (D-sharp) in the bar 34."

We can see/read such valuable information in the National Edition source commentary (abridged) page.

Yuko expresses her greatest and deepest respect for the work by prof.Jan Ekier and prof.Paweł Kamiński.


This TV programme won prestigious JSBA (Japan Satellite Broadcasting Association) Original Programming Awards.

Special thanks: really special, great and hugely talented CLASSICA JAPAN team - Ishikawa-san, Miki-san, Takahashi-san, Haraguchi-san and others.