



[Yuko's Leg Rehabilitation Diary - 15]

Despite using poles, I was still fearful to enter stage and reach the piano in the middle of the stage - because of my leg condition. Before the concert, I therefore asked Maestro Salmieri for walking along beside me (side by side with me) when we go on stage - not walking behind me.

Thanks to this way, I felt much safer and better. Then while I was shaking hands with the concertmaster Natan Dondalski, Maestro went on ahead and waited for me at the piano - so I was able to keep the conductor in my sight and felt safe.

And Danuta Kaluta-Jakubowska (the second violin) always helped me a lot. Pani Danusiu, thank you very much indeed.

Screen Shot 2016-02-03 at 21.12.41photograph: Before the performance - Danusia helping me put the poles down on the floor, under the piano